On January 1, 2018, University of Latvia Culture Centre was founded.

The main goals of University of Latvia Culture Centre are to promote the participation of students and employees of the University of Latvia in creative programs of culture, art and education, and to promote a lifestyle based on cultural values.

Currently, 21 amateur art groups operate under the authority of the Culture Centre - choirs, dance groups, vocal ensembles, early music ensemble, theater, brass band and pottery studio. There are around 830 members of LU amateur art collectives, of which about 600 are students or graduates. Collectively, they actively participate in events organized by the University of Latvia, the State and local government, international festivals and competitions, as well as in events initiated by themselves.

In 2019, the most important event of the Culture Centre was participation in the organization of the 100th anniversary event of the University of Latvia "Carpe Noctem - the night of the century of the University of Latvia". All amateur art collectives of the Culture Centre took part in the anniversary event.

In 2023, the LU amateur collectives showed their high artistic performance in shows, securing a ticket to participate in the General Latvian Song and Dance Festival. Several top awards were won in the finals of the song and dance festival competitions.

In the spring of 2024, University of Latvia Culture Centre is expanding its activity profile outside of Latvia by participating in and managing the international cultural cooperation project "CAMINO - 20 years of cultural enrichment in a reunited Europe". Together with University of Latvia Culture Centre, the project is implemented by partners from 6 other EU countries (Lithuania, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary) the film studio "Very Films" and King Danilo University in Ukraine. A collaboration platform universities4culture.eu was developed within the project, inviting universities, student associations, and cultural organizations to join the platform for cultural cooperation, networking and future collaborations!

Deputy Director

Project Manager