The Mixed Choir "Aura" from the University of Latvia crossed the Atlantic Ocean to participate in the XVI Latvian Song Festival in Canada. In Toronto, they showcased their talent through a solo performance, participated in the all-choir concert, and continued their successful collaboration with musician and composer Raimonds Tiguls.  

Overall they were on the road for almost three weeks, having rehearsals, giving concerts, taking part in workshops, and trying to squeeze in sight-seeing and different touristic attractions. Their first appearance symbolically took place on the Midsummer's Eve - a very important date for all, local and foreign, Latvians. They spent a few days in the Latvian peaceful camp in Canada called Tērvete, where they met not only Canadian Latvians, but local Canadians who had never heard of such small country before. At the end of their stay in Tērvete, they performed in the local AVOCA Community Centre, inviting everyone to travel to Toronto for the upcoming Song festival.

The choir "Aura" was thrilled to represent Latvian culture, choral music, and language at the festival and during additional performances en route. Under the direction of conductor Edgars Vītols, this trip offered invaluable experiences not only to the singers but also to listeners and fellow artists who were eager to learn about Latvia's rich choral tradition and its modern interpretations.

This journey is a testament to the power of cultural cooperation between artistic groups. We invite others to join the "Universities for Culture" platform, be inspired by such stories, and explore limitless cultural opportunities.

The journey was made possible with the support of the Cultural Centre of the University of Latvia, the Latvian University Foundation, and other generous supporters. Their assistance enabled the choir to travel and perform alongside their Canadian colleagues, turning their dreams into reality.

Take a look at Mixed choir of the University of Latvia "Aura" travel on their facebook page here.

Photos by Jānis Romanovskis / and Andra Annemarija Krūmiņa.
