For 30 years, the vocal ensemble "Dancis" has been shining the light of all amateur art groups of the University of Latvia. The founder and permanent leader of the ensemble is Sarmite Ancane-Vilcina. From in the beginning founded mixed artistic group, ensemble has turned into a men's vocal ensemble. However, this does not change the tradition of coming together several times a year and delighting the audience in a mixed form.
The ensemble, which was inseparably connected with the dance ensemble "Dancis" at the beginning of its foundation, has pleased the audience with magnificent concerts both in Latvia and across Europe. Countless times, "Dancis" has won awards in annual competitions of vocal ensembles, as well as regularly participates in the Nationwide Latvian Song and Dance Festival. As an interesting experience, "Dancis" mentions joint singing with Suitu's wives and performing concert in Kandava, which was dedicated to the work of the well known Latvian composer Janis Lusens.

"Dancis" values are youth, attractiveness and quality.

Artistic Director

Sarmīte Ančāne-Vilciņa