The women's choir "Minjona" of the University of Latvia was established in 1975 and since has been bringing together around 30 music enthusiasts on daily basis. The choir's artistic leader and conductor is Romans Vanags, with choirmasters Evija Vanaga and Daira Jansone, refining the sound of "Minjona." The choir's longtime concertmaster is Ilze Dzerve.
Each year the choir delights audiences with concerts in Riga and other national cities. For several years "Minjona" has consistently achieved the highest ranks in Latvian choir competitions and has been recognized as the best women's choir in both - Riga region and Latvia. The choir also enjoys success in many international competitions and festivals, having performed in Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, and China. In addition to winning several prestigious awards, the choir is delighted about winning the biggest prize there is - the hearts and trust of their listeners.
"Minjona" has recorded four CDs: "Salve Regina", "Still at heart" "O Salutaris Hostia", and "Holy Night".

Artistic Director